Friday, January 22, 2010

Week One is Done!

So I have been slacking in the blogging world lately, and for that I am deeply sorry. However, a nice voice came along the other day and gave me a little reminder that I need to keep up. So... I'm back, and here to tell everyone about my first week of school this semester.
We start with a multitude of problems buzzing around my daycare from pink eye to ringworm to the flu, just to name a few. With all of these diseases surrounding me everyday I was bound to get sick sooner or later. Unfortunately, the sickness had to creep up on me at the most inconvenient of times. When did it start? Well, just a few hours before I was due in my first class. What a way to start the semester, right? I had to email my teacher and tell her I wouldn't be able to make it. :(
On top of that, my Kindle BROKE! My love, my baby, my savior during breaks at school, just wouldn't take a charge. I called Amazon and sat on the phone for hours only to find out they would "put my complaint to technical support and get back to me." WHAT?! Well, my mom wasn't standing for that and she got right back on that phone to call for me. Apparently, they didn't take me seriously enough (perhaps because I sound like a 5 year old on the phone?) but they got my mom's complaint and were suddenly eager to help. So, the old Kindle got all packed up and shipped back, and after a week of withdrawal I just got my new one in the mail today. Hooray!
Well, other than that I made it to school all the other days. I have one professor I can't understand worth a darn, one who seems clueless, and one who is older than the hills. Also, I got assigned 2 "short" 2 to 3 page papers from every class. That's right, EVERY SINGLE CLASS. That's 6 classes times 2 papers from each times three pages for each assignment, which equals about 36 pages due next week. Oh, hello homework!

So, did I start it yet? NOPE!
And you wonder why I haven't blogged... ha.
Six classes and working five days a week will keep me very busy, but I will try my hardest to keep up.
And if I slack? A lil reminder will get me going again :)

In other news, my sister brought a "Baby Think It Over" baby home this weekend for school. She named it Dexter... after the serial killer on TV. LOVE IT! I'll let you know how this baby filled weekend goes!
Wish us luck as we take it shopping tomorrow.


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