Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bye bye 09, You Sure Were Mighty Fine

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!!

What am I wearing tonight??

My new dress from Forever 21

I don't have amazing plans, but I will have fun doing whatever I decide to do with my boyfriend. I'll tell you all about it soon {and include pics}

Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope everyone has a fun and safe time tonight!!
xoxo Ali

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year, New Me

In preparation for the new year, I have come up with some new year's resolutions. I started yesterday. Why? You may ask? Well, I figured I would get a jump start on everybody else. That way, if anyone else has the same resolution on me, they will start a few days behind. HAHA!
So... First things first. Goal number 1 is obviously to blog 5 times a week. With my nifty little netbook Santa brought me I can bring my computer to blog during breaks at school while my Macbook stays safely tucked away from scratches and danger at home.
Next? Start on this novel that has slowly started to form in my head for a good six months now. The plot is a secret for now, but if this actually pans out I may start to share some snippets with you. This means I will be writing, writing, writing. My poor little fingers may fall off from all this typing.
Next, expand my fashion wardrobe. SHHH, don't tell anyone this one. As my boyfriend, and several others always say, "You already have way too many clothes."
Just two more now. And the next is to balance my life in this upcoming semester. Work is making me work 5 days a week. That, plus 17 credits in school could equal disaster. However, I love love love my job... so I will do whatever I can to make this work. What do I do that I love so much? I work at a daycare, in the baby room. Which leads me to my next resolution which is to do pilates at work everyday. No one to see me except the babies, all of whom I don't think will mind. I already go to the gym semi-regularly, but I imagine that little extra exercise to give me a giant boost. We shall see..
Last but not least, get an apartment! This whole saving money will not work with my expanding my fashion wardrobe plan. But, by the start of the next school year I do hope to be living at my own address.

Now it is off to work. A couple days before New Years equals slow times at work. Maybe I can leave early? Fingers Crossed!

xoxo Ali

What is This All About?

For quite some time I have jumped from one foot to the other debating about whether to start a blog. I have many reasons for wanting one, but I need to put in the dedication and make this an enjoyable reading experience. Basically, if I am doing this, I'm doing it all the way.

So here goes... why blog?

1. My taste for blogging came about a year ago when I discovered a few blogs from girls my age who wrote about passions of mine. While stalking them I lusted after theirs for a year now, I figured thats adequate time to jump in and start my own.

2. I love writing. I currently attend college with a double major of elementary education and writing arts. I was unsure of the writing major, but figured why not? Now that I am a junior my writing classes have quickly jumped to the top of my favorite list. That, plus the fact that I love to read, has got me pursuing a writing career on top of teaching. If I am serious about this whole writing thing, I need practice. That's where this comes in.

3. Now, on the topic of college, there is this one particular class I took last semester that had us each create a blog. While I enjoyed reading them, I never had the guts to try blogging for myself. This class pushed me to jump head first into the blogging pool, and boy did I fall in love.

So... The next question will be what will I write about?

This question doesn't really have an answer. The only thing I can say is read and find out!

This is because I am the type of person who has an interest, makes it the center of my life, talks endlessly about it, then gives it up and finds something new. Through this I have bypassed a sewing stage, yoga stage, running stage, etc... You get the point.

However, I do have some passions that stay constant. They include reading and fashion. I am all about clothes, shoes, and purses. I constantly search the internet and stores for good buys and fun outfit ideas. I would love to include these on here, along with everything else that pops into my mind.

Stay with me as I give opinions, advice, and hopefully entertain. Also, comments would be great! You love what I write? You hate it? You just don't care? Let me know!

xoxo Ali