Thursday, January 7, 2010

I'm Outta Here

Good bye! I will soon officially be a traveler and may never want to stay in one place again.
Tomorrow, I am going to get a.... PASSPORT!
You see, my friends and I are trying to plan a trip during spring break to a tropical location. This is something we have talked about and saved up for a while now. However, we are students... so we are definitely not rich.
This is why it was so disheartening when we went to a travel agent today (just to see what they would say) and we were pretty much just dismissed.
I mean, we gave her a certain price range and said there was NOTHING, NO WHERE that we could go for that kind of money. For real?? Jeeze.
So we went back to online, which is probably cheaper anyway but we wanted to keep our options open. That is when we came across this little gem of a website that gives realllyyy cheap flights and hotels for STUDENTS! As long as you have an id that proves you are under 25 and a student, they will give you a deal.
After plugging away at some numbers, we were astonished to find out what we could possibly afford.... CANCUN or LONDON
Wow, just wow. How do you pick between these two? We may end up going for Cancun because it is a tad cheaper, and two of our friends don't even have jobs.. therefore, they are planning to send every cent they have. It will be so worth it though, right?
This trip idea has slowly formed in my mind for a while now, and I am so excited it may actually happen!!
However, both Mickey and I know this will lead to one major thing.
1. We will be hooked and want to travel whenever we can save the money... We already started planning our next trip, which would be to Europe.

I didn't even discuss this passport idea with anyone yet, but I am going for it. I know we will use it in March, and I plan to make good use out of it from then on. (fingers crossed)

In other nontravel related news:
My teacher took my MAJOR paper, which is worth 25% of my final grade on vacation... and he left it in the hotel. Now it is lost and no one can find it. Not just mine might I add, but the whole class. I just got the email today where he said everyone has to resubmit their papers.
NotFairNotFairNotFair. We should all get automatic A's :)
Also, lt's just say Day 1 of the Shred was horrific. Killer. I did it with my sister, and we both almost died from the intensity and the dog licking our faces and jumping on us the whole time.

It is officially 2:30 am. EEK!
Night Night.

xoxo Ali

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