Friday, January 15, 2010

Fashion Friday 2!

Guess what today is? Everyone's favorite day of the week because it includes pay day, the end to a week, and my fashion Friday blog post (duh!) haha. This fashion friday is another everyday outfit more suited toward fall, but I still wear it in the winter just fine. The colors are very fallish, but it keeps me warm all the way through January too.

The key pieces to this outfit are the boots and hat. They are the solid brown pieces that pull it all together. However, there is also the orangeish shirt that adds the pop of color. It is important to mix the dull with the bright colors for the best most put together look.


PS. In totally unrelated news, does anyone with an iphone know a good app for blogging from? I have so many pictures on my phone that I don't feel like putting on the computer, and without that you'll never be able to see them. Also, since my phone is practically permanently attached to my hand it would be super easy to write on the go and just edit when I get home. Any ideas?
And... just to ask every question at once, does anyone know how to get the customized backgrounds? They just will not work for me. Better yet, does anyone make background or layouts who would like to help me out? Thanks!

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