Friday, January 1, 2010

Ringing In the New Year

So recently on New Years Eve a trending topic of Twitter dealt with where you were 10 years ago, to ring in the year 2000. This got me thinking, to the fact that I was a mere 10 years old. I rang in the New Year at home, banging pots and pans outside. Well, guess how I spent this New Years Eve?? THE SAME WAY AS 10 YEARS AGO! haha Yup, I was invited to a party and yup, I didn't go cause at the age of 20 my boyfriend and I still play fun games and bang pots and pans outside at the stroke of midnight :)
So, yesterday after work, we got fun snacks and a fuunn new game to play at home.
{a pic of me and my smoothie}

Also, due to my lack of mobility on New Years Eve I saved my fun dress for New Years day

The fun game we got? It's called JUST DANCE! My mom picked it up at Target after hearing good things about it and boy is that game F U N You dance, pick from a large variety of songs, and it gives you a great workout while having fun. You can do multiplayer, and when everyone dances together it makes the game hilarious.
If you are looking for a fun new workout/game I totally recommend you check it out.

So this brings us to New Years day. The whole family made the trek over to my Uncle's house in Philadelphia. We got to watch the Mummers for a bit, and then go back to eat and get warm The Mummers parade, being there and experiencing it, was an experience in itself. Let's just say the people get CRAZY, and I got to witness some interesting events while waiting for the parade.
My Uncle also got us our own New Years paraphernalia to wear throughout the day. And yes, I'll post the pics but yes, I do look ridiculous. Hey, it was fun though and that's all that counts.
Here is a sample of my sister, my mom, my boyfriend, and I. Please excuse my slipper socks, I promise I was wearing cute shoes.

We ended the day with some yummy dessert.

I hope everyone had a "Rockin' New Years"
The Holidays are over.. booo. That means back to work for real, and almost back to school.
Let's enjoy what's left of the break though, shall we?
xoxo Ali

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