Wednesday, January 13, 2010

School Is Just Aound the Corner :(

Sorry for the delay from the last post, but I have been busy, busy, busy. This is mostly because school starts next week, and this break seemed to go so fast!
So, in order to prepare for the start of a fresh semester I have been cleaning out my folders, organizing my new books and notebooks, hanging out with my friends who will soon go back to school far away, and working ALL THE TIME (to help with Jamaica. In the mist of my hectic schedule, I haven't even had time to take down my small pink Christmas tree that I keep in my room. I know it is only Wednesday, but what I need is the weekend to get caught up!
Onto other school related news, I also feel the need to share the story of my morning. So, my younger sister had a two hour delay today, and my mom and dad were both at work. Since no one else was home, I got delegated the duty of taking her to school. Naturally, it being winter break, I decided to relish the last couple days of sleeping in and get up at the last possible moment before we had to step out the door. The night before I thought, great idea... anything to sleep longer! However, this morning my idea went all wrong when the alarm went off. First, I set the alarm for only 3 minutes before we had to leave so that didn't even give me time to brush my teeth or comb my hair. Picture a girl wearing this, Coach furry brown shoes, zebra pajama pants, a big brown Rowan University sweat shirt, make up streaming down her face (grossly unwashed from the night before), hair all askew sticking out every way, and glasses to hide my tired half open eyes. Got that hideous picture in your head? That was me this morning. Eek!! Talk about a fashion disaster. However, when I stepped out of the house I thought it was no problem. I mean,m I graduated 3 years ago so who do I still know at the high school anyway? Well, I get to school, pull my sister up, and as she jumps out I see my friend's sister (who is a senior and sorta my friend too). Well, I immediately duck to hide and push my sister out of the car. Unfortunately, the hiding didn't work and she spotted me. Rats! Now from there, the story just gets worse. Then I go to pull out of the parking lot and see two more people, both guys. One is my friend, the one I'm going to Jamaica with, whose sister is in the same grade as mine. Well, I am driving in as he is driving out so he spots me and waves. I begrudgingly wave back before turning the corner. Upon turning that corner I see a man crossing the parking lot and stop so he can get across. This man is my old band teacher, and he looks my way to say thank you for stopping. Well, don't you know he recognizes me and tries to come over to say hello. With smelly breath, crazy hair, and a make-up dunked face I chatted with him for as short as possible. Wow, of all the times to run into EVERYONE. Well, I drove home in peace confident that was the end of it. That is, until I turned on my street and saw the young, friendly mail man was almost at my house. Certain that he knows my car, I couldn't just keep driving. So I stopped, pulled out my cell, and pretended to send a text as he dropped off the mail and kept walking. When I thought he was gone, I got out of my car and ran into the house... but not before locking it! Which, of course, sent off a giant "Beep! Beep!!" Naturally, just my luck, the noise caused the mailman to turn around and look right at me. UGHH!! This situation would only happen to me and my horrible luck.
Well, lesson learned, NEVER EVER leave the house looking a mess again. Isn't it just the thing, whenever I leave the house not wanting to be seen I see everyone. FIGURES! I need to always remember, Fashion First! haha

Kinda still related to the topic of school, I actually got a start on the book I am trying to write. Of course, if you mean by start I have the plot down, then yeah! I know the characters, plot, and I started on the first couple of pages. Here is a hint, it is a love story (obviously), will hopefully involve a dog, and has a mailman as a main character. Intrigued? More to come shortly!


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