Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Snow: It's a Love/ Hate Relationship

Dearest snow,
The first 20 years of my life we were best friends. Whenever we were separated, I prayed for you to return. I even had a snow dance that I performed for you. Sometimes, I even think it helped call you to my house. Whether you showed up morning, noon, or night, any day of the week, I didn't care. I loved seeing you flutter down outside.

Now, things have changed. I'm so sorry, but I just don't have the same love for you this winter. Perhaps it is because you always show up on weekends. Never once this season have you come during the week. Why are you avoiding the week days?

If you want to get back on my good side, I have a proposition for you. You have ruined two weekends now, that means two days where I had to sit inside suffocating with boredom. These days, you are too cold and never seem to stick the right way to make a fun snowman. However, I put up with you so now it is time to pay me back. It's only fair....

Here is my brilliant idea, listen up snow! If you have any respect for me, or if you ever hope to restore our friendship, you must come during the week. To be more specific, a Wednesday. You see, every Wednesday I go to school at 8am and do not come home until after 9pm. You have to understand that this day is torture. We were once good friends, and I know we will have a love for each other again.

Please, please, help me out here.
13 Wednesday's left before the end of the semester.
If you could help me out with one? Maybe two? That would be lovely.

(Snow: This is a picture from when we were friends. See how we were out frolicking with you?)

Thanks so much.
xoxox Ali

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