Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What is This All About?

For quite some time I have jumped from one foot to the other debating about whether to start a blog. I have many reasons for wanting one, but I need to put in the dedication and make this an enjoyable reading experience. Basically, if I am doing this, I'm doing it all the way.

So here goes... why blog?

1. My taste for blogging came about a year ago when I discovered a few blogs from girls my age who wrote about passions of mine. While stalking them I lusted after theirs for a year now, I figured thats adequate time to jump in and start my own.

2. I love writing. I currently attend college with a double major of elementary education and writing arts. I was unsure of the writing major, but figured why not? Now that I am a junior my writing classes have quickly jumped to the top of my favorite list. That, plus the fact that I love to read, has got me pursuing a writing career on top of teaching. If I am serious about this whole writing thing, I need practice. That's where this comes in.

3. Now, on the topic of college, there is this one particular class I took last semester that had us each create a blog. While I enjoyed reading them, I never had the guts to try blogging for myself. This class pushed me to jump head first into the blogging pool, and boy did I fall in love.

So... The next question will be what will I write about?

This question doesn't really have an answer. The only thing I can say is read and find out!

This is because I am the type of person who has an interest, makes it the center of my life, talks endlessly about it, then gives it up and finds something new. Through this I have bypassed a sewing stage, yoga stage, running stage, etc... You get the point.

However, I do have some passions that stay constant. They include reading and fashion. I am all about clothes, shoes, and purses. I constantly search the internet and stores for good buys and fun outfit ideas. I would love to include these on here, along with everything else that pops into my mind.

Stay with me as I give opinions, advice, and hopefully entertain. Also, comments would be great! You love what I write? You hate it? You just don't care? Let me know!

xoxo Ali

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